Award Winning Chili Recipes

Try These Delicious Award Winning Chili Recipes That Your Family And Friends Will Love

Nascar Chili Recipe

Posted by Bradley47 | 8:55 PM |


2 lb cubed beef
1 - 2 finely chopped habenaro peppers
5 chopped jalapeno peppers
1 red onion
2 14oz cans tomatoes
1 Tablespoons tomato paste
1 lbs Kidney Beans (canned or prepare yourself)
1 tablespoon cumin
3 teaspoons chili powder
2 Tablespoons honey
1 good hunk of dark chocolate (85% cocoa or better)
8 cloves garlic
1 cup veggie stock (or any kind you like really)
pepper to taste.


1 Saute garlic and onions until tender.
2 Add the meat to the garlic and onions and allow to brown.
3 Drain (or spoon) off some of the fat once browning is done.
3 Add remaining ingrediants (except honey and chocolate) and simmer for about 1 hour.
5 Add honey and chocolate.
6 Simmer for about 20 more minutes